
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Much Sugar and Calories are in Your Favorite Drink?

How Much Sugar and Calories are
in Your Favorite Drink?

Many people don’t realize just how much sugar and 
calories we drink in a day. Use this tip sheet to help your 
family make smart choices. 

Drink (12-ounce serving)     Teaspoons of Sugar        Calories

Bottled Water                          0 teaspoons                          0

- Diet Cola                                  0 teaspoons                          0

Sugar-Free Drink Mix                  0 teaspoons                          0

Sugar-Free Lemonade                 0 teaspoons                          0

Unsweetened Tea                       0 teaspoons                          0

Sports Drink                              2 teaspoons                           75

Lemonade                                 6¼ teaspoons                        105

Orange Juice                             7½ teaspoons                        160

Sweet Tea                                 8½ teaspoons                        120

Powdered Drink Mix                   9 teaspoons                           145
 (with sugar)

Cola                                          10¼ teaspoons                      150

Fruit Punch                                 11½ teaspoons                     195

Root Beer                                   11½ teaspoons                      170

Grape Juice                               12 teaspoons                          200

Orange Soda                                13 teaspoons                       210


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