
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Core Exercises to Strengthen the Spine

Just as the stays support the mast and the cables
support the bridge, your core muscles support your
spine. The muscles in your abdomen and back–
which we call the “core”– are central to your
everyday spine health. They are at the heart of any
fitness regimen designed to strengthen a healthy or
ailing back. Just as you protect your heart through
cardiovascular exercises, you will benefit from
strengthening your back through core exercises.
For those who are experiencing difficulties with
their back, a gentle, step -by-step strengthening
program is an important aspect of recovery and
prevention. For those with a healthy back,
maintaining or increasing strength in the core
muscles is also advisable. Strong core muscles work
by taking the stress off the discs and joints. Picture
for a moment your bony spine, a long, curving
structure consisting of 33 vertebrae from the base
of your head to your tailbone. Strong muscles can
take some of the stress off that backbone. This is
especially important as we age because, as we
know, deterioration of the joints is another
unfortunate consequence of the aging process.
Patients who have been most successful in maintaining 
their spine health are those who have incorporated a 
spine exercise program into their daily routine, right 
along with bathing, brushing, and flossing.
If you are already performing core exercises 
regularly, keep it up! If you are not, consult with
your primary care physician, a physical therapist, or
a trainer at a fitness facility before you begin. The
good news about core exercises is that they can be
easily done in the comfort of your home without
extra equipment or expense. We encourage you to
make an effort to develop these new habits, as a
strong core will reward you with long-term benefits.
Beginner-level crunches. Lie on your 
back, bend your knees and hips at a 90-degree 
angle ,and lift your legs into the air. Cross your 
arms across your chest and lift your head and 
shoulders off the floor; hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
Mid-level crunches. Place your hands 
behind yourhead, with fingers interlocked, and 
raise your head and shoulders off the floor; 
hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
Advanced -level bicycle crunches.
With your hands behind your head, raise your 
left leg, knee bent, and point your right elbow 
toward that leg; alternate.
Medicine ball rotation.While 
sitting, lift your legs slightly off the floor 
and cross your feet. Hold a medicine ball, 
small weight, or food can with both hands 
and move it from one hip to the other. 
Start with a small number of rotations, 
then build up as you gain strength.
Plank.Get down on your hands and 
knees. Bend your elbows and rest your 
forearms on the floor. With your toes on 
the floor, lift up your knees. With your 
weight balanced on your forearms and 
toes, count to 10 and then rest. Extend 
the time and number of repetitions as you 
gain strength.
Sit on a Swiss Ball
Sitting on a Swiss ball is one way to 
train your back. It moves easily 
requiring you to activate your postural
muscles and train your balance. You 
can improve posture, strengthen and
stretch your core muscles, and burn 
calories. At the computer or reaching 
for the phone, your muscles react,
ultimately improving your sense of 
balance-- on or off the ball!
The Swiss ball is a core stability tool.
If you sit in astandard chair, you 
aren't using your muscles to maintain 
your balance and posture; you're 
relaxed. On the ball, those core 
muscles are constantly working. 
The Swiss ball comes in a variety of 
sizes, and prices vary with quality. 
Pick the right size for your height. 
Opt for a non- burst ball. 
Tips as you sit on the ball:
Sit with thighs parallel to the 
Stop slouching; use your back, 
abs, and glutes
Train your balance
Increase your time and 
training with the ball --gradually


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