
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Water for health

Water is essential for life on Earth. People can live for 
two months without food, but will die in less than a 
week without water.
Why do we need water?
Our bodies need water to help them function 
properly and help uslive our everyday lives. Here 
are just a few of the tasks our body needs
water for:
To clean the blood as it passes through the 
• To control body temperature.
• To help in food digestion.
• To help remove waste products.
Other health benefits
• Mental alertness
• Stamina
• Fewer headaches
• Increased energy levels
• Combats fatigue
• Clearer skin
Helps maintain a healthy weight and 
body functions
• Fresher breath
How much water is healthy?
There is a large amount of water inside us,
but we are losing it all the time. You lose
water when you breathe out, when you
sweat and when you go to the toilet. You
even lose water when you blink!
We need to drink about two litres of water
every day to stay healthy. That’s about six to
eight glasses a day. This could include water 
you naturally get from food and also drinks 
like orange, or tea and coffee. Don’t forget 
that you’ll need to drink more if it’s really 
hot or if you are playing sport. 
Stay topped up!
If you don’t drink enough water your 
body can become dehydrated. Here are 
some signs that you might need to drink 
more water.
You have a light headache and feel a bit 
• You feel sleepy and tired.
• You are a bit snappy or irritable.
You feel hungry, but in fact your body 
needs water!
• You feel thirsty.
The best way to check whether you are 
topped up is by the colour of your wee 
(urine). When you go to the toilet, it 
should be clear or nearly transparent. 
If it is dark yellow, then you need to 
drink more water!


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