
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tips For Beautiful Shiny Long Hair

Tips For Beautiful Shiny  Long  Hair

Do not use a blow dryer Let it dry naturally and avoid over drying your new luscious locks.

Wash your hair with warm not hot water Hot water is too harsh on hair causing it to dry out and break easily.

Proper brushing of hair Brush or comb carefully by using a better quality brushes so that they don’t hurt the hair strands and pull them prematurely. Never brush when they are wet this causes breakage. Always use a wide tooth comb to avoid fall.


Use moisturizing products Because black hair is often dry by nature, it's best to use products that replace needed moisture. This includes using shampoos and conditioners formulated for dry and/or damaged hair. These products don't have to come strictly from the "ethnic" hair aisle, either; many mainstream brands make hair products for different types of hair, from oily to dry.


Do not pull your hair tight from the scalp or constrict your hair as in very taut braids, buns and ponytails This helps avoid breaking your growing hair.


 Exercise You already know this but are you doing it yet? Get your circulation flowing. Your hair will love you for it.


Do not squeeze or wring wet hair Wet hair is fragile and breaks easily.


Avoid sun on your hair Wear hats, hoodies and scarves. Hats are a beautiful way to express your mood and individuality.









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