
Monday, May 13, 2013

Staying Healthy During Flu Season

     Staying Healthy During Flu Season
Nothing is more important in protecting yourself from contagious viruses than washing your hands appropriately. Be sure to use warm water, rub your hands together
vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds, and rinse your hands methodically to remove all soap. In addition, the following measures will help reduce the transmission of viruses: 
Keep your hands away from your face so that viruses do
not invade the mucus membranes in your nose, eyes, and
Disinfect shared equipment such as telephones, desks,
doorknobs, shopping cart handles, kitchen counters and
computer keyboards with disinfecting wipes or solutions. 
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough
or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue handy, cough or
sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not your hand. 
Throw tissues away immediately after use, and wash your
Keep alcohol based hand sanitizers readily available. Use them after shopping, pumping gas, using an ATM, handling
money and before eating food from a drive-thru restaurant. 
Consult your healthcare provider about getting appropriate flu shots.
Get plenty of rest. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Children need even more. 
Stick to a healthy diet. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E such as milk, citrus fruits, vegetables, nuts, and eggs
can strengthen your immune system. 
Drink water. It flushes your system and keeps you hydrated during the dry winter months. 
Reduce stress by exercising, listening to music, meditating, practicing yoga, relaxing with a book, or watching
a funny movie or television show.
Stop smoking. Smoking destroys the cilia fibers in your nose and lungs that sweep mucus filled with contaminants out of your body. 
Wash water bottles before refilling them. Never share bottles or cups with anyone. Use disposable cups
in the bathroom and kitchen. 
Identify a separate room in your home for taking care of sick family members.
Avoid being around those who are sick unless you are caring for them. In that case, consider wearing a facemask in
addition to following the above precautions.


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