
Monday, May 20, 2013

The Secret Things Men Love About Women

The Secret Things Men Love About Women


Men love feminine women. This doesn't mean Barbie, it means a woman who is soft, kind, nurturing, emotionally grounded, and womanly.

The most attractive women always do one thing: they SMILE! No matter what, the woman who smiles is always more attractive than the one who doesn't.

 To be with a strong woman! Just because you are feminine doesn’t mean you aren’t strong. Being strong doesn’t mean you are loud, brash, pushy, arrogant, or abrasive. It means you are independent enough to live a great life on your own, but smart enough to realize that your man makes your great life even better. Men want a strong woman who will help guide our relationship and provide structure in our life. We don’twant to feel like we’re trying to figure things out on our own.

Men love a woman who cooks for him. It’s true, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! 

Hold your hair up with a pencil. It will fascinate guys because they don’t understand how it works.



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