
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles 

- Grape Seed Oil is wonderful for eliminating and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles and leaves skin soft and 

- Apply coconut oil on the portions of skin and face where wrinkles set in and gently massage every night at bedtime.

Sleep on your back. When you sleep on your side, you tend 

to press down on your face. Wrinkles that become etched 

into the surface of the skin and don’t disappear once you’re 

up and will gradually grow deeper. To reduce wrinkle 

formation, sleep on your back.

Eat more fish, especially salmon. I cannot stress enough 

that eating cold-water fish is an awesome source of an 

essential fatty acid known as omega-3. These “good oils” 

help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping 

to reduce wrinkles.

Don’t smoke. Cigarette smoke reduces collagen levels in 

your skin, leading to saggy arms and face. The additives in 

cigarettes contain toxins that will damage your skin if you 

are being exposed to it on a regular basis. Over time, your 

skin will lose the circulation it once had by being exposed to 

cigarette smoke, making your face appear droopier and less 

healthy in appearance.

Avoid squinting. Repetitive facial movements such as 

squinting overwork the muscles, leading to a groove 

beneath the skin’s surface. As time passes by, the groove 

becomes a wrinkle.

Take vitamin C. This essential nutrient boosts your body’s 

defence against disease-causing bacteria and other toxins. It 

is also known to aid in the production of collagen.

- Massage your face. Doing this increases the blood flow in 

your skin, allowing the nutrients to feed unhealthy cells.  

During your day off, treat yourself with a refreshing, 

revitalising facial massage.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Benefits of music


Benefits of music

Patient care

Music can actually have a significant positive impact on patients with long-term illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory conditions.

Numerous trials have shown that music can help lower heart rate, blood pressure and help relieve pain, anxiety and improve patient quality of life.

Since music has a balancing effect on stress and anxiety, listening to music while going to bed can be very beneficial as it calms the mind, thus resulting in a good night’s sleep.

Improving Performance in Sports

Listening music when exercising will effect to performance and your sport commitment. Music will divert your attention to repetitive sport and ignore tiring and boring. Music could also be a stimulant to improve your performance.


Music improves concentration and attention

Easy listening music or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups and ability levels. It's not clear what type of music is better, or what kind of musical structure is necessary to help, but many studies have shown significant effects



Benefits of Smiling

Benefits of Smiling

Smile lowers blood pressure

Do not believe? Let you record the blood pressure when 

you're not smiling again and record blood pressure when 

you smile when examined. Blood pressure when you smile 

definitely lower.

 A smile makes people think positive.

Try to do this: think about bad things with a smile. It must 

be hard. Cause, when you smile, the body sends a signal "life 

is good". So that when she smiled, accepted the body as a 


  It makes us seem trustworthy

We generally interpret a genuine smile to mean that this is 
 someone who is honest and trustworthy. Those who smile are rated higher in generosity, in extraversion and in friendliness.

It can increase your ability to make money

Those who smile at their colleagues and their customers are usually more successful and are frequently promoted.

Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling. 

Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

When you smile you use certain muscles and these lift your face making you look younger.Smile your way through the day — you’ll look younger and feel better.

best memory boosting foods

How to eat smart

Eat more tomatoes
There is good evidence to suggest that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, could help protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's. 

A great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower. 


Chocolate not only boosts serotonin, the "pleasure hormone", but also comes with large amounts of epicatechin, which improves the brain blood flow and boosts memory.


While all berries provide a number of health-related benefits, blueberries in particular are a memory-boosting powerhouse. They are considered a memory food because they contain a phytochemical that is especially important in reversing the age-related decline of memory, while having a positive influence on spatial working memory.

In addition to this, blueberries rank low on the glycemic index scale, making them a good fruit choice if you are trying to control your blood sugar level.



On the protein front, one of the best sources is salmon, as it is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function and development. Studies have suggested that supplementing with DHA, which is found in fish oil, is beneficial for the development and maintenance of memory performance.
Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed, walnut, salmon, soybean, halibut, shrimp, snapper, tofu, scallop, and winter squash.


Found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and some medications, caffeine gives you that unmistakable wake-up buzz -- though the effects are short term. And more is often less: Overdo it on caffeine and it can make you jittery and uncomfortable.


Add Avocados and Whole Grains

Every organ in the body depends on blood flow, especially the heart and brain. Eating a diet high in whole grains and fruits like avocados can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower bad cholesterol. This reduces your risk of plaque buildup and enhances blood flow, offering a simple, tasty way to fire up brain cells.
Whole grains, like popcorn and whole wheat, also contribute dietary fiber and vitamin E. Though avocados have fat, it's the good-for-you, monounsaturated fat that contributes to healthy blood flow.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Secret Things Men Love About Women

The Secret Things Men Love About Women


Men love feminine women. This doesn't mean Barbie, it means a woman who is soft, kind, nurturing, emotionally grounded, and womanly.

The most attractive women always do one thing: they SMILE! No matter what, the woman who smiles is always more attractive than the one who doesn't.

 To be with a strong woman! Just because you are feminine doesn’t mean you aren’t strong. Being strong doesn’t mean you are loud, brash, pushy, arrogant, or abrasive. It means you are independent enough to live a great life on your own, but smart enough to realize that your man makes your great life even better. Men want a strong woman who will help guide our relationship and provide structure in our life. We don’twant to feel like we’re trying to figure things out on our own.

Men love a woman who cooks for him. It’s true, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! 

Hold your hair up with a pencil. It will fascinate guys because they don’t understand how it works.


foods burn fat fast

 foods burn fat fast                               
Blue Berries
Almonds (Whole, un-blanched, unsalted)
Brussels Sprouts
Green Peas (Pod)
Green Peppers
Lettuce (all varieties)

Beef (Lean, Ground)
Chicken Breast
Cottage Cheese (Low Fat)
Egg Whites
Ham (Lean)
Turkey Breast
Black beans
Green Beans
Kidney Beans
Peanut Butter
(All Natural)
Sweet Potatoes

Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

Tips to Prevent Bad Breath


Make Oral Hygiene a Priority Many dentists recommend brushing after every meal and flossing twice a day. Once you make this into a habit you will find it easy to stick with. Also, brushing or scraping your tongue can keep bacteria at bay, especially if you have deep groves in your tongue.


Chew sugarless gum. Doing so within an hour after a meal can help with saliva flow. Remember to use sugar-free gum -- chewing gum with sugar increases caries and the sugar sits on your teeth and contributes to bad breath.  Your mouth can become dry during the day.  Dry mouth -- whether it's at midnight or noon -- can quickly cause bad breath. You need plenty of saliva because it helps clean your mouth; it's naturally antibacterial, and it washes away food particles.



Avoid Tobacco, Coffee and Alcohol. Everyone, smoker or not, knows that smoking can leave an absolutely terrible stench in a person’s mouth. Many people don’t realize, however, that coffee can do the same. Coffee will leave a rank smell in the back of a person’s mouth, so switching to green tea is a great alternative. Cutting back on alcohol is also another way to decrease halitosis. Consuming alcohol will lead to a dry mouth, and as mentioned earlier, this leads to bad breath. Alcohol may actually cause a person’s breath to be unpleasant for up to ten hours after their last drink


Yogurt. Some studies have shown that the live active cultures in yogurt help reduce bad breath.


Drink Water. Drink water. You want to keep your mouth moist. Water rinses out your mouth, and it's generally good for your system. 

Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months. An old toothbrush is riddled with bacteria.  


Parsley. Parsley is probably one of the most well-known ways to treat bad breath. Its oils are what do the trick. Likewise, spearmint and cinnamon can help mask bad breath. Some other herbs and spices that work for the same reason are coriander or cilantro, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cardamom.

Oranges, Melons And Berries. These fruits in particular are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C not only is helpful for keeping bacteria in check, but also helps combat gum diseases and gingivitis, which also can cause bad breath.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tips For Beautiful Shiny Long Hair

Tips For Beautiful Shiny  Long  Hair

Do not use a blow dryer Let it dry naturally and avoid over drying your new luscious locks.

Wash your hair with warm not hot water Hot water is too harsh on hair causing it to dry out and break easily.

Proper brushing of hair Brush or comb carefully by using a better quality brushes so that they don’t hurt the hair strands and pull them prematurely. Never brush when they are wet this causes breakage. Always use a wide tooth comb to avoid fall.


Use moisturizing products Because black hair is often dry by nature, it's best to use products that replace needed moisture. This includes using shampoos and conditioners formulated for dry and/or damaged hair. These products don't have to come strictly from the "ethnic" hair aisle, either; many mainstream brands make hair products for different types of hair, from oily to dry.


Do not pull your hair tight from the scalp or constrict your hair as in very taut braids, buns and ponytails This helps avoid breaking your growing hair.


 Exercise You already know this but are you doing it yet? Get your circulation flowing. Your hair will love you for it.


Do not squeeze or wring wet hair Wet hair is fragile and breaks easily.


Avoid sun on your hair Wear hats, hoodies and scarves. Hats are a beautiful way to express your mood and individuality.








Saturday, May 18, 2013

Secrets tips to dieting success

To start with,  First thing in the morning before you 
eat you should drink a glass of water, this will get 
the metabolism  jump started. This is probably the 
easiest glass you will drink all day and it will help 
you  remember to drink water all day long.
Do not skip breakfast, for breakfast is the 
cornerstone to any success in a eating 
nutritiously. It is the foundation for a
successful diet. If you need to go to bed a 
little earlier so that you can get up 20 
minutes earlier each morning do it! Breakfast
is so important to your good health and to 
weight control.
This is one easy way to remember what not 
to eat. If it is made from sugar, flour, potatoes, rice 
or corn-just say no. Remembering this rule of thumb
will make it easier torecognize those rice cakes as an  
unhealthy high-carb snack. Basically all white types of 
carbohydrates are refined and therefore 
when in your digestive system get converted 
tosugar/energy. Which if not used gets 
converted to bodyfat.
It is so easy to use a low-carb diet as an 
excuse for poor nutrition. Resist this 
temptation. If the only vegetable you
have eaten in the last 5 years has been 
the potato, now is a perfect time to 
begin experimenting with other 
vegetables. This is important for your 
overall health and to avoid some
nasty side effects of not getting
enough fiber in your diet. 
If you do a thorough search of vegetables,
It's guaranteed that you will find 
vegetables that you enjoy eating.
Experiment with grilling veggies and 
cooking with real butter to add flavor. 
You can also search for new recipes on 
the Internet or in cookbooks. 
Remember, if you are only eating 40 
grams of carb a day or less, two cups of 
plain salad greens contain only about 
5 grams of carbohydrate. You have no 
excuse not to eat your veggies. 
Protein....The most important nutrient of all:
your body is made of cells that are 
formed from proteins and amino acids. 
You should choose a portion of lean 
protein such as chicken breast, ground 
turkey, egg whites, fish or lean steak. 
Protein should be eaten with 
every main meal or spread out
even with every five to six meals. 
Protein helps build lean muscle, 
repair tissue, hair, skin, and nails.
A good protein source is a 100% 
whey protein powder that supplies 
good amino acids and excellent 
source of calcium for the bones.
Developing this little habit is 
a real secret when it comes to
dieting success which few 
people follow but has a 
massive result 
on your diet. It will help you 
get in your 8 to 10 glasses of 
water each day but it can also 
have other benefits. Ever feel 
hungry after eating a handful 
or standard serving of nuts? 
Try drinking water afterwards. 
The water will help you feel 
full and prevent overindulgence.
Drinking water after a snack 
will also help remove the  
aftertaste from your mouth 
and can help curb your 
desire for more. Follow this 
little tip and develop it into a 
habit then before you know it 
you will be where you want 
to be and at the weight 
you want to be.

Guaranteed if you follow this little secret, You 
will feel full and more satisfied if you take the 
time to savor your food and chew it slower. 
Don’t get in the habit of eating while
standing or eating quickly. Sit down preferably at the table
and chew. 
Eating slower like this will help you enjoy your 
food more, pay attention to what it is you are 
actually eating and get a better sense of when 
you are actually full.
You will feel better and lose weight 
quicker if you eat a large breakfast and 
eat a smaller dinner. Also as you have 
been asleep for hours your body has 
been fasting and earlier in the day is the 
best time to refuel and provide your 
body with the energy that is needed. 
You may also want to eat the majority of 
your carbs earlier in the day, saving a 
salad and lean meat protein for dinner. 
Eating larger meals during the part of 
the day when you are most active will 
help you to feel satisfied throughout the 
day and curb cravings for unhealthy 
Yes this may seem odd, but it is one 
way to work in Omega-3 fatty acids 
that are good for you and add some 
variety to your daily diet. After a few 
months you may tire of eating
eggs and bacon for breakfast. 
Substituting fish will give you
the protein and healthy fish oils you 
need. You can try canned salmon or 
tuna in croquettes for a healthier 
sausage substitute. Or you could 
simply eat cold leftover salmon the 
next morning with dill sauce. 

This tip can seem a bit odd at 
first but if you try it you will
probably grow to love it. Instead 
of eating breads and buns
with your sandwiches and 
hamburgers, why not try leaves 
of lettuce? 
You can make a double cheese
burger with onions, pickles and 
tomato wrapped in a whole 
lettuce leaf. Or you can make tasty 
wrap sandwiches with lettuce 
instead of tortilla and bread.This
will help increase your good 
carb and fiber intake while
giving you more variety in your 
Okay, we all want a little dessert 
sometime, but how do you have your 
dessert and your low-carb diet too? Why
not try cheese with fruit slices or berries? 
Better yet, why not try cream with berries? 
You could even try sweet pineapples or  
strawberries with cottage cheese? 
Berries are sweet and high in fiber and 
nutrients and dairy products are high in 
protein. If your low-carb plan will allow
it, this is a sweet and tasty alternative to 
more sugary desserts. 
An added benefit is that the protein in the dairy products and the fiber in the fresh fruit will make these desserts more filling.
It will be easier to stick with your 
low-carb lifestyle if you learn the 
one common thread in all grocery 
store designs: the healthy foods are on 
the perimeter aisles.
Think about it, when you go into the
grocery all of the healthy stuff, fruits,
vegetables, meats, and dairy 
products are arranged around the 
stores walls. You only rarely need
to enter the center aisle areas in 
those few stores that stock butter 
and cheese in the center near the 
frozen foods. For the most part all 
of the foods that you need for your 
low carb diet can be found on the 
perimeter of the grocery store. 
Train yourself to start on one end of
the outer aisle and work 
your way around. It will be much 
easier to avoid carb cravings and 
fill your basket with healthy items if 
you do so.
We can’t all do it right all of the
time. Even the most 
conscientious food combiner 
may miss some healthy
vitamins, minerals and trace 
elements in their diets. To help 
make sure you get everything 
that you need, consider taking
a good multivitamin.
Check with your doctor first for 
recommendations and you
should be tested for anemia to 
see if you need a vitamin
with iron. However, the longer 
you eat low-carb and the
more red meat you eat, the 
less anemia will be a problem
and you should be able to take
vitamins with less iron. 
Your success is totally up to 
you. Assuming that you are an
otherwise healthy individual, 
your body will do its part. Just
remember to adhere to the low
-carb diet plan that is right
for you and add some variety 
to your meals to help you stay
faithful to your health and 
weight loss goals.